Monday, April 6, 2009

Decisions Decisions and Food

Well I have decided that I shall stay in OTC. Since I am in college, I might as well finish it. And if I get bad grades, its my fault.

I've been thinking alot what I want to do in my future. Since I do like cooking, I think i'll give cooking classes a try next simester. I made my own lasagna with a help of a friend in South Carolina and it turned out pretty good. I just need to explore my options because I still want to write stories and publish them, I could do both.

I had alot of thinking these past few days and for that I missed some classes of mine. So now i'm back in classes again and finally made a choice, its time to get my butt in gear.



  1. Good for you! Glad you found what you want:)

  2. Awesome Kole! Don't give up! There are always options if you are willing to explore them! Kudos to you for being willing to try something new!
